Thank You ... We're excited you've become a funded trader with us.

And we'll be here to support you through your evaluation period and beyond. You have the opportunity to grow your account with no additional expense and we hope this will enhance your trading and potential earnings.

We're also here to support you with our many other Fx products such as Forex Forager and our extensive on-line course offering in areas such as Algorithmic Trading, Crypto Currency and Options Trading.

Thank you and "Good Trading."


Jeff Wecker.
The inventor of Forex Forager & a former member of the Chicago Board of Trade.

Please fill out the contact form below, make sure to include your email address, transaction ID and package option you purchased.

The login instructions will be send to your email address and you can start trading as soon as you login.

Please email us with any questions or concerns to :

Contact Us


Contact us with your questions, comments, and suggestions. We would love to hear from you. We will try to respond in 48 hours, or as soon as possible.